


世界公民, Youth exams, and their respective reading programs & activities are offered only in selected countries at the moment.


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World Civility Index

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Here is how it works:
Test Certificate Test Fee 世界文明指数积分
Reading Program (for business) US$1 1 (each lesson)
Activities (for business) US$1 1 (usually each 1-hour session)
Business Level 1 "Basic" Exam US$150 70
Business Level 2 "Intermediate" Exam US$350 130
Business Level 3 "Advanced" Exam US$2,500 250
Reading Program (用于旅游)* US$1 1 (each lesson)
Activities (用于旅游)* US$1 1 (usually each 1-hour session)
世界公民考试 (用于旅游)* US$50 20
Reading Program (for youth)* US$1 1 (each lesson)
Activities (for youth)* US$1 1 (usually each 1-hour session)
Youth Exam* US$80 34
Reading Program (for health & well-being)* US$1 1 (each lesson)
Activities (for health & well-being)* US$1 1 (usually each 1-hour session)
Personal Health Index Exam* US$150 70
* Offered in selected countries only.